Freitag, 2. Juli 2010

Tagversüßer des Tages Vol. 247

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The Books mit "A Cold Freezing Night".


Keine Ahnung, welche(r) Regisseur(e) dieses Musikvideo verbrochen hat (haben), aber es ist eines der unterhaltsamsten und freakigsten, die ich seit langem gesehen habe. Die experimentelle Indie-Collagen-Pop-Band The Books kommt aus New York City. The Way Out ist das vierten Album der womöglich unterschätzten Band.

QUOTATION...Ich zitiere mal Larry Fitzmaurice von Pitchfork (link!): ""A Cold Freezin' Night" [...] is built around samples of kids insulting each other and issuing grave physical threats. For the video for the tune, which was put together by the Books themselves, you won't see kids getting all ultra-violent on each other or anything. However, you will see lots of disorienting cut-up footage of girls shooting guns, children playing with toys, people dancing, and about a hundred other images as well. There's a lot of little blink-and-you'll-miss-it details-- hey, just like the Books' music!"


The Books - Cold Freezin' Night from William Granberry on Vimeo.

The Books - Cold Freezin' Night


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